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La Cybersecurity Facile!

24/7 Continuous Vulnerability Assessment

User-friendly and customizable interface

Detailed reports on internal and user security

ARTEMIS is a Made in Italy CVA tool that enables constant and active monitoring of an organization’s external perimeter

Una lente identifica una porta aperta in un test di vulnerabilità di Artemis


Continuous Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) refers to that operation of promptly and continuously identifying CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) before they are exploited by external attackers.

Una persona guarda lo schermo di un computer

Proactive approach

Based on sophisticated cyber security technology, ARTEMIS stands out in the cyber security landscape for its unique and proactive approach, but more importantly for being the first tool in Italy to provide continuous VA.

Una persona incappucciata interpreta un hacker che indica delle connessioni cyber

Offensive defense

In addition to having a user-friendly and intuitive interface, it is modeled on malicious bots. Thus ARTEMIS continuously operates to identify vulnerable targets, performing offensive and preventive activities against possible external attack vectors.

ARTEMIS is a combination of advanced offensive capabilities and a proactive approach to cybersecurity!


Una persona guarda la dashboard di Artemis sullo schermo di un computer.

How does ARTEMIS respond?

Uninterrupted monitoring: Constant control of the external digital perimeter of your infrastructure and monitoring of critical assets

Minimum impact, maximum efficiency: Low impact approach that does not disrupt the normal operation of the digital infrastructure

POCs and CVE Updates: Constant update on POCs (Proof of Concepts) and new external CVEs.

Remediation in continuous steps: ARTEMIS simplifies remediation with small continuous steps, easing the burden on the IT department

Benefits of ARTEMIS

Reducing expenses associated with IT infrastructure security breaches

Saving on system repair and restoration costs

Risparmio sui costi di riparazione e ripristino del sistema

Decrease in system downtime

Mano tira fuori una card con il logo di Artemis da un portafoglio

Talk to an
Expert in Offensive Security!

We’ll help you with

identifying vulnerabilities in your systems or business before they are exploited

leveraging the platform to benefit from learning how to protect your cybersecurity

ARTEMIS uses proprietary heuristics

with a database of 65,000 templates,

updated daily to include the latest CVEs and POCs